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Thursday, August 4, 2011
The elephant has the biggest brain of all land animals but our son has the biggest brain of all 6 year olds
Little Dill Y is 6 now and if there’s one thing he’s good at, it’s everything. That’s right, we are of the unbiased opinion that our son is great and nothing you can say or do can change our mind. Particularly good at drawing, his nickname is ‘The greatest up and coming 6 year old artist, this world has ever encountered’. His birthday was coming up and he asked if he could have an elephant. Realising that this wasn’t going to be the easiest present to find, we called in a few favours and managed to borrow one for the day. Luckily enough, it was a smart elephant and after spending 10 minutes with the greatest up and coming 6 year old artist, this world has ever encountered, he too began to show great artistic talent: