The words in the blog are fairly random with an emphasis on mocking people, places, things and Bon Jovi. Like most blogs, it’s set up for you to leave comments, stories, rantings or whatever comes to mind so please do.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dodgy Cabs require dodgy drivers
Thirsty Dave is not as happy as a monkey with a peanut machine. He had his heart set on working for a new outfit – Dodgy Cabs. All his dodgy friends are working there and they have nothing bad to say about it. Actually they have nothing good to say about it either but a job is a job. The thirsty one picked up the local paper and there before his very eyes, was the very ad for the very job. He excitedly began reading but it wasn’t long before his dreams were as shattered as a glass object that falls to the floor and is shattered. He has a good driving record but just didn’t have the dodgy past, they were looking for: