Bernadette over at iwasntbloggedyesterday has seen it fit to give us a Lol award. For this we are massively thankful. There are some conditions that go with the award but Thirsty Dave has disappeared and we have to go and see what pub we can find him in so we hope Bernadette doesn't mind too much if we're a cheeky bunch of little mockers and we don't do our duty. As a thank you, Bernadette gets her very own individual post.
The words in the blog are fairly random with an emphasis on mocking people, places, things and Bon Jovi. Like most blogs, it’s set up for you to leave comments, stories, rantings or whatever comes to mind so please do.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
The post of Bernadette
Bernadette over at iwasntbloggedyesterday has seen it fit to give us a Lol award. For this we are massively thankful. There are some conditions that go with the award but Thirsty Dave has disappeared and we have to go and see what pub we can find him in so we hope Bernadette doesn't mind too much if we're a cheeky bunch of little mockers and we don't do our duty. As a thank you, Bernadette gets her very own individual post.