Saturday, January 16, 2010

We try not to mock the boat but sometimes…

We’re scared of lots of things. If we were to make a list it would include clowns, waking up and waking up and finding Amy Winehouse attractive. We like to think we’re a friendly collective of massively confused individuals and were very surprised to receive the following letter – to protect the privacy of the sender, we’ve not used Deirdre’s real name:
Dear IGTM,
I began visiting your site 8 weeks ago and immediately enjoyed the way you mocked Bon Jovi, Jodie Foster and that lying, cheating dog, Thierry Henry. Since then, I’ve logged on most days and always got a good laugh out of your posts. Sometimes I would play a game where I would try and guess what the next day’s post was going to be. It truly was the highlight of my day. Things changed dramatically for me when I logged on to the site on Friday, December 18, 2009 and was met with a post called ‘Scare the ruck out of them’. I’m sure you know the post I refer to – it’s the one where you mock the rugby team, Stade Francais for having a pink jersey. It just so happens that I’m a big fan of the club and was appalled to see that you had chosen to direct your mocking at such a talented and respected club. I was so shocked that I immediately cancelled by broadband subscription and have not have not been on the internet since. That night,I began to have nightmares about been mocked by you. I know it might seem strange but by mocking Stade Francais, you’ve proven you’re not afraid of anyone so what’s to stop you from mocking me? I’ve mentioned this to my analysts who tell me that I need to communicate my fears with you and ask for your assistance. Can you please see it in your heart to remove the Stade Francais post? By doing this you will restore my faith in humanity and will allow me to sleep without the nightmares.
We were very surprised by Deirdre’s request. Not the actual request to remove the Stade Francais post but the fact that people still write letters and post them. As she went to the trouble of writing, we thought it only fair to return the compliment and composed the following letter:
Dear Deirdre,
Bill Y


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