Monday, January 24, 2011

A curse on those cursor’s

I turned on the computer on Monday but the cursor didn’t work so I bought a new mouse but it still didn’t work. I turned on the computer on Tuesday but the cursor didn’t work so I bought a new mouse from a different store but it still didn’t work. I turned on the computer on Wednesday but the cursor didn’t work so I thought the world was having a laugh with me so I bought a new mouse in a different, different store but it still didn’t work. I turned on the computer on Thursday but the cursor didn’t work so I pinched myself to see if I was dreaming and I wasn’t because the pinch really hurt so I bought a new mouse from a different, different, different store but it still didn’t work. Being the eternal optimist, I turned on the computer on Friday but the cursor still didn’t work so I bought a new computer which happened to have a new mouse with it but it still didn’t work. After some really serious head scratching, I realised what was wrong. The cursor’s had gone to a disco and we’re having so much fun that they forgot to return:

Bill Y


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