Now if we’re any judge of character, you should at this stage be dying to hear the record. We can’t play it for you but we can give you the track listing:
1. These dresses are styled by the Lord
2. I forgot my glasses but at least my Sister didn’t
3. In case you’re wondering, I’m the cool one
4. Die Bon Jovi die – death mix
5. Are these my hands?
6. Theses aren’t my hands
7. These dresses are styled by the Lord Part 2
8. Boo
9. None of us see dead people feat none of us
10. 30 seconds to mass
NB: Please note the above track listing differs from country to country. Furthermore, said county or countries may not exist yet. If you or any of your friends are interested in starting your own country be it a dictatorship or democracy, please call 0800-THS-IS-BLL-SHT for your free copy of ‘Democracy for Dictators in times of change – Vol 2’ or ‘Dictatorships for Socialists who like cigars’ – Vol 8 Attack of the Megacobra’.