The sneering cops on the beat, the robotic federal agents, the condescending judges who dole out years of jail time for petty offenses, the narrow-minded teachers who do their best to snuff out creativity and resourcefulness - these are the liars and deceivers of American society who have fastened themselves to our necks like obscene vampires in search of an ongoing supply of free sustenance. They deserve to be exposed, ridiculed, and replaced - and Ned Beaumont has begun this process by providing this book.
At this stage she was slowly coming around to believing me so I thought it was time to produce my trump card. I picked up the laptop and there before her very eyes, was a picture of the book:
She quite rightly said that with the help of Photoshop, I could have easily made the picture up.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out (without Google!) if such a book exists.