Monday, February 1, 2010

Attempting such a seemingly impossible feat

I’m soon to embark on my greatest adventure yet. Some will say it’s pointless and there’s no way to finish what I will start. Others will have admiration for even attempting such a seemingly impossible feat. I’m under no illusion as the task ahead. There are those who dedicate their whole life to studying the Bible or the Koran. What I am about to undertake is a lifetime of study. Ladies and gentlemen, I am going to attempt to count the number of cats on the internet! No, your eyes do not deceive you, you read it correctly. I’ll repeat it again - I am going to attempt to count the number of cats on the internet! I know not where I’m going to find the time to do this but I will. A quick Google search tells me that there were 200 million cats in the world in 2008 but nobody has ever counted how many cats are on the internet. I’m about to start working shortly. Right now, we can all watch the rather good ‘Lolcats’ from and be astounded at what genius is all about:

Bill Y


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